Sunday, March 29, 2009

hey sunday

back from the hairdresser's. chopped my front and its so daisy lowe now.

actually i'm often very apprehensive about getting haircuts cause they almost always turn out shitty and i'll just sulk for the rest of the whole damn day. or week. but its all good today. and why does my hair look shinier blown by the hairdresser's? and smell better? bah.

okay so i have an assignment due tomorrow and the printer conveniently decides to go whack now. better timing please. stupid thing is printing my draft in blue ink wtf. so regretting that i sold the printer i got from cheer comp last year. :(

eh no. its fixed now! today is a good day cause my hair is behaving and i had homemade apple pie for lunch. :D
ps, my assignment is about dissing portland's transportation system. ahaha!

so how was everyone's earth hour?